Now i know i'm a bit behind with the hype of The Hunger Games, and I have been meaning to see it, but with exams and interviews it was decided that it would be a treat at the end of the week after finishing my exams. Living up to it's expectations this film was absolutely vivid! Without a shadow of a doubt this will be one of my favourite films of the year. I love seeing a female protagonist in a film, something I instantly identify with.
The film centres around a 'post apocalyptic' future in 12 districts, 16 year old Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) from district 12 volunteers for the local televised event 'Hunger Games' in which 1 boy and 1 girl are chosen from the 12 districts, and must fight until there is 1 victor. Katniss volunteered in place of her younger sister Prim, Katniss and Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) another boy from her district are chosen to fight to the death.
I would seriously advise anyone to watch this film as it is amazingly directed!